4th Sunday of Epiphany

The Churches of
Holy Cross Binstead
and St Peter’s Havenstreet
in the Ryde Plurality
Holy Cross, Binstead (www.holycrossbinstead.org.uk)
St Peter’s, Havenstreet (http://StPeterHavenstreet.org.uk)
A very warm welcome to all worshipping with us today. Please do join us for coffee and biscuits after the service.
Readings for Candlemas (the 4th Sunday of Epiphany)
Malachi 3.1-5;
Hebrews 2. 14-18;
Luke 2. 22-4
Prayer for Candlemas
Father, we come before You with hearts full of gratitude for the radiant Light of Christ that illuminates our lives. Thank you for guiding us through darkness and for the hope and love that His presence brings. May we reflect His light in our actions and share His grace with others.
Prayer for the sick
We pray for those who are sick and who ask for our prayers: Patrick, Marian, Mark and Debbie, Mike, Joan C, Emma, Madge, Arthur, Russell and Janette. We also remember silently in our hearts: Heather, Jackie, Ann, Dave, Daisy, Brenda, Monica, Hester, Kerry, Izabel, John and Paul.
Rest in peace
We pray for those who have died recently and for their families at this sad time.
In Memoriam
Christie Anthony Sivell, Joan Emily Jackson, Ronald Walter Wilks, Bertram James ‘Bert’ Snow, Barry Wyatt, John Alban Rowland, Keith Gerald Bull, Dorothy Gertrude Priest.
Sunday 2 February
Holy Communion Holy Cross
Evensong St Peter’s
Friday 7 February
Coffee morning chez Joy Wickens
Saturday 8 February
Candlemas Lunch at Appley Manor Hotel
Sunday 9 February
Morning worship Holy Cross
Eucharist St Peter’s
Monday 14 April
APCM (Holy Cross)
Services at St Peter’s
Please note that there will no longer be a service of Morning Worship at St Peter’s on the first Sunday of the month. However, Evensong will continue at 18.30.
Candlemas Lunch - Saturday 8th February
We have done it! We have 33 people who have chosen from the delicious menu. I am away until Wednesday 5 February, but can be contacted on 883567 on my return. Looking forward to seeing you all on the 8th. Janette Dye
Church opening and closing at Holy Cross
We aim to keep the church open during the day as recommended by our insurance company, but we need some more volunteers to help with closing the church. This is done by two people and even if you are not able to commit to a regular slot, ad hoc cover for holidays, sickness etc would be very welcome. Please see Mike Coeshott in church or email mikejcoe@aol.com. At the moment we are unable to open the church on Thursdays.
Coffee morning in Havenstreet
There will be a coffee morning at the home of Joy Wickens at 10.30 on Friday 7 February. Please contact Liz Holden on 872877 for details.
Holy Cross Telephone
Please note that if you telephone the church landline number (01983 242906) you will now be put through to the Ryde Plurality Office.
Items for inclusion to
Mike Coeshott by email mikejcoe@aol.com by Thursday midday.