Nick Dingley, also known as 'Razzel' was a young lad who lived, with his parents, in Binstead Parish.
He was a very talented musician and an accomplished drummer.
He played in several local groups as a teenager but left the Island in about 1980, with a friend to further his music career in London.
He played in several bands in the London area and started a successful life as a professional musician.
In the early 1980s he was asked to join ‘Hanoi Rock’ a successful Rock Band from the United States of America.
In 1984 whilst on tour with the band he was involved in a serious car accident in which he, unfortunately, lost his life.
After his cremation the ashes were returned to the Island and were interred in the churchyard of Holy Cross Church Binstead.
Nick Dingley’s mother was keen to have this information recognised as he still has numerous loyal fans.
Nick’s mother carried out a ‘Crowdfunding’ exercise hoping to raise sufficient monies to enable a memorial bench to be placed in the churchyard in memory of Nick.
Despite the Covid pandemic delaying the installation, the new bench has now, finally been installed.
The new bench was blessed by, Rev Sandie Osborne, at a ceremony in April that was attended by approximately 60 of Razzels’s fans from across the country and including his mother.
Pictured Left to Right:
Nick 'Razzel' Dingley memorial bench, Nicks mother and fans, Nicks grave